Nus C1 Calender

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hello world!

this shall be the first (and hopefully not the last) entry for this journal (:

caregroup yesterday (wednesday, 7 January 09) was held at my place, and it was a good time of sharing and being open to each other. HTHT: heart to heart talk!

we talked about serious issues about the caregroup and addressed them truthfully with utmost openess. & so... this blog is up!

By the swing

To help our caregroup grow relationally & spiritually, this blog is up! basically, we factored that one possible reason why our caregroup may not be as "close-knitted" relationally may be because we are really unsure about what is going on in each other's live at all. hence we can't support. what we do know, is just the surface of everyone base on what we hear/see every saturday. there is no real 'knowing' your caregroup member.

the purpose of this journal would be to continually keep each other updated on our lives, being open & honest with our struggles, share testimony, share what God implanted into your heart during QT, bless everyone and to just rant about your day! i think this blog shouldnt be confined to just sharing things in such a 'perfect' manner such that we filter only the good things to talk about only. then, there is no real deep sharing. let's not just use this blog to share what is great and up-beat in our life such that we dont talk about our real struggles. (PLEASE POST UP PHOTOGRAPHS TOO OK, SO THIS PAGE WONT LOOK SO MONO-COLOR, HAHA)

let's be united and support each other in this caregroup. Many a times we don't dare to share certain issues because we may be afraid of being judged. we all have this fear (: but let's try to do it differently in caregroup and share with trust that this group of brothers and sisters will support you no matter what. slowly but surely. & lets be doers of God's word by not judging other brothers & sisters because we all sin & fall short of the glory of God - all the time.

okay, i feel that i just blabbered so much! =]] let's start journaling ok!

password & username will be passed down via email. so start ranting about things here today!

love, AH JU.


  1. January 8, 2009 at 12:43 pm

    Yeah!! Ah Ju, can we have a tag board? Love, Ah Guan :D

  2. i dont know how to add tagboard. i dont think its possible for wordpress. will find out.

  3. yea i also have a wordpress blog, and i havent found out how to add a tagboard! think we can only comment on each post.. anyway, CHEERS to our new blog!
