Nus C1 Calender

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

yz's farewell post.

this will be my last post here. it's about time we bid goodbye to this 2008/2009 Nus C1. It's not just the graduates who are moving on. Everyone moves on. I will be moving on to my new cg this week.

I think it's no coincidence that our paths have crossed. It is by no mistake that we were in the same CG. Really cherish the time we had together - the happy time, the pek chek time, the rebellious time, the encouraging time...

gz, thanks for your guidance and leadership. Really learn a lot from you. U led by example. One thing i will rmb about you is your spirit in growing the group and concern for your people. continue to use this strength of yours. sry for making you angry/upset a few times. lol.

joyce, finally different cg. haha. kidding. thanks for the time serving together. i will also miss the opportunity to sharpen my sensitivity skill, now i have to try whether it works on guys. haha. continue to share your many testimonies the people around you. the glitter in your eyes when u shared had me feel that God is really real. lol.

mingxi, don't ever lose that child-likeness in Christ as u grow older in your walk with God. =] you will be a great support and fun to the new cg. lol.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

"i will bring praise..."

i was ministered to by this song last saturday, desert song by hillsong.
please spend ten minutes to view this testimony & song (:

Indeed in our times of trials, God has a purpose in our live. and God is still in control.
God is truly amazing, and i'm once again humbled by His grace.
I hope that it reminds us that God is ever-loving and even when we go through trials - we have a reason to praise and pray. God is refining us through the flame.

Through the seasons, lets continue to know that God has already got the victory.

love xoxo,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why love can have no boundaries

This is something I wrote on the bus back from service on saturday. Pls correct me if there're any mistakes!

If God Loved us,
then Love would have no boundaries.

Because we are so different from God
we are sinners
God is Perfect

God and us
are at extreme ends

God, we are so separate from you
that we cannot and should not be together

It is impossible for us to be in the same space for eternity.

But God Loves us.
He Loves us in spite of us being not lovable at all.
He Loved, Loves, and will continue to Love us for ever.
His Love
transcends all space and time.

God so loved us, that He
Came to dwell among us Sinners

Then He paid for all of us, His Loved Ones,
So that we may be Holy like Him.

These He did,
first humbling Himself
then renewing us
so that the infinite space between us is bridged.

And that is why
Nothing can separate us from God's love from then on.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Be Mindful

hello guys.. know that most of us are struggling with a lot of assignments due and midterm tests, and thought i would encourage you all with this passage from Encouragement for Today, which is sent to my email everyday. may it bless you! let's decide to set our minds on the things above today, and not be consumed by the worldly thoughts of anxiety and worry. God is indeed in control of our situations, no matter how small or big they may seem.

p/s. i've boldened the paragraph which i think will speak to us regarding our current situations. please read it and receive it with humility :) with love, joycee

Be Mindful

Melanie Chitwood

"Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth."

Colossians 3:2 (NAS)


About a year ago, my husband and I, along with another couple, began moving forward with a dream of opening an indoor basketball/volleyball gym. We've prayed and taken steps on this path, and now our business has opened. In the midst of starting this new business, the economy began a downward slide that we never could have anticipated. So what was already a risky endeavor has become even riskier.

I watch the news, and it's easy to feel fearful and to think, Are we crazy to continue to pursue this new business?! People ask me if we're afraid, and just their questioning leads me down a road of thinking we should be more afraid than we are. Others express their skepticism, and then it's easy to wonder, Should we just bail out and cut our losses now?

When I take my eyes off my circumstances or stop focusing on what others say, my perspective changes. Then I can say to myself and others, We're walking in faith as we set our eyes on God. We're trusting Him each step of the way, and we're trusting Him with the outcome, whatever that may be."

As you read today's devotion, I'm sure you have some worries also. You worry about losing a job, paying bills, or medical problems. You may be worried about a wayward child, aging parents, or a crumbling marriage. It's so easy to let our circumstances determine our thoughts and feelings, isn't it? Today's verse tells us we have a choice about what we choose to think about. In other words, do we set our minds on our circumstances or on God?

It's also easy to listen to the lies of this culture, lies that say that faith is really impractical. Don't be deceived by this wrong thinking. In the midst of a whole lot of uncertainty, set your mind on the one certainty in life: God loves you and He is in control.

Dear Lord, thank You that in the midst of uncertain times, fearful times, and heart-aching times, You are the One I can be certain of. Thank You for being a Sure Thing, for now and always. Let my mind be filled with You, and then I will know Your peace which is supernatural. Lord, I pray that You will strengthen me in this trial, and during it, I ask that You will cause my heart and my mind to continue to turn to You. Lord, don't let this hard time cause me to be bitter or despairing. Instead, let me come out of it on the other side with a stronger trust in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Related Resources:

Traveling Together: Thoughts on Women, Friendship and the Journey of Faith by Karla Worley

Trial for Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life by Janet Eckles

Financial Survival in Uncertain Times by Deborah Smith Pegues

Join us for more Everyday Life encouragement on topics such as marriage, finances, and relationships

Application Steps:

Are your thoughts fixed on the news of the media, or on God's Word? Consider limiting how much you watch or read the news. Don't be tempted to think that this is denying reality. It's not. It's setting your mind on things above.

You can direct your thoughts to God by reading Scripture, praying, or listening to praise music. Let these remind you of who God is and that He is in control.


Are you taking time to talk to God about all your fears, concerns, and worries?

Are you leaving your burdens with the Lord, or do you carry them around yourself trying to come up with a solution on your own?

Have you talked to a godly friend about your situation, or are you trying to hide your concerns from others so you appear strong?

Power Verses:

Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (NIV)

Isaiah 41:10, "'Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'" (NAS)

John 14:27, "'Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.'" (NIV)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lead Me Lord by Gary Valenciano

Quiet here lately... All the best everyone for the tests and assignments coming up. Yesterday's sharing from Wenjiang was very timely and akin to water droplets on the soil (which is our hearts). Perhaps someone can post the sermon points for those who weren't there so they receive some H2O too.

Just to share a song that I came across:

Lead Me Lord by Gary Valenciano
Lead me Lord,
lead me by the hand
And make me face the rising sun
Comfort me through all the pain
That life may bring
There's no other hope
That I can lean upon
Lead me Lord
Lead me all my life
Walk by me,
walk by me across
The lonely road that I may face
Take my arms and let your hand
Show me the way
Show the way to live inside your heart
All my days, all my life
You are my light
You're the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord
I need You there
You are my light
I cannot live alone
Let me stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
Lead me Lord
Lead me Lord
Even though at times
I'd rather go alone my way
Help me take the right direction
Take Your road
Lead me Lord
And never leave my side
All my days
All my life
You are my light
You're the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord I need You there
You are my light
I cannot live alone
Let me stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
You are my light
You're the lamp upon my feet
All the time my Lord I need You there
You are my light
I just cannot live alone
Let my stay by Your guiding love
All through my life
All through my days
Lead me, O Lord
Lead me Lord


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

guany mommy's birthday

we love nydc!

mommy with her children

here's the infamous LALALA carebear video from guan's birthday celebration at NYDC at holland v last monday! and some photos to capture the great memories we had :) hope our carebear mommy was blessed by the time with her nonsense children. haha thank God for you in our cg! may God continue to show His direction in your life and guide you with every step you take :)

p/s. video starring 1 min guest performance by cookie monster as well.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

yizhong's birthday

with cg

sad that it's breadtalk.. again :(

his present, metronome

lovely wedding cake to behold

with spiritual family!

hey! just to share some pictures from yizhong's birthday celebration on friday at HQ and sat at din tai fung :) thank God for you, brother! let's continue running this race together. your spiritual family is right beside you, supporting you!


Monday, February 2, 2009

cg outing?!

hey guys, wanna catch this together? as shown, it's a drama production called The Screwtape Letters.. yes, it's based on one of the Christian author C. S. Lewis' famous works if you have read that book already. this production company is started up by 3 university students from NUS, and they are doing a great work wanting to impact the theatre industry with their biblical values infused in their drama productions. i hope that we can watch this production together as a cg! haha 3 main reasons would be: 1) bonding time as a cg, 2) catching a thought-provoking biblical drama which helps us in further understanding and examining some values we hold (better still if you're a fan of C. S. Lewis) and 3) supporting this cause-worthy production company! aha yes, it would be great, isn't it? *excited* heh personally i've been wanting to catch some stage productions and stumbled upon this while reading the newspapers and thought i'd definitely go for it. the dates are 27/2 (which is recess week) friday 8pm, and 28/2 saturday 3 and 8pm. if poss, we could go for the saturday 8pm after service ;) and btw, there's 15% off for students so it's priced at $24.65. not too bad right!

shall we? haha.. need to book the tickets through sistic, so gotta act fast!


joke for monday blues

wanted to blog this joke on my blog but decided to put it here. haha. read it from a fren's blog.

Four friends, who hadn't seen each other in 30 years, reunited at a party.

After several drinks, one of the men had to use the rest room.

Those who remained talked about their kids.

The first guy said, 'My son is my pride and joy. He started working at a successful company at the bottom of the barrel. He studied Economics and Business Administration and soon began to climb the corporate ladder and now he's the president of the company. He became so rich that he gave his best friend a top of the line Mercedes for his birthday.'

The second guy said, 'Darn, that's terrific! My son is also my pride and joy! He started working for a big airline, then went to flight school to become a pilot. Eventually he became a partner in the company, where he owns the majority of its assets. He's so rich that he gave his best friend a brand new jet for his birthday.'

The third man said: 'Well, that's terrific! My son studied in the best universities and became an engineer. Then he started his own construction company and is now a multimillionaire. He also gave away something very nice and expensive to his best friend for his birthday: A 30,000 square foot mansion.'

The three friends congratulated each other just as the fourth returned from the restroom and asked: 'What are all the congratulations for?'

One of the three said: 'We were talking about the pride we feel for the successes of our sons. ...What about your son?'

The fourth man replied: 'My son is gay and makes a living dancing as a stripper at a nightclub.'

The three friends said: 'What a shame... what a disappointment.'

The fourth man replied: 'No, I'm not ashamed. He's my son and I love him. And he hasn't done too bad either. His birthday was two weeks ago, and he received a beautiful 30,000 square foot mansion, a brand new jet and a top of the line Mercedes from his three boyfriends.'


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Crown Him with Many Crowns

Short post!

Here's another link:

Stumbled upon it, it's an old hymn. I like it, personal preference, hehe, tho it might not go well with today's consumers of contemporary music.

1) Contains same tune repeated a few times
2) Contains words such as "thy" and "yonder"
3) Contains unknown words such as "potentate of time" (google to check it out)
4) Contains verses that actually rhyme
5) Contains slow background scenes (no frills)

You have been warned :p

- Ah Guan

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

From the inside out

For me, Chinese New Year was the same where we visit many relatives consecutively for 2 days. After the first day, at night, I really wanted to go home cos had a lot of things to settle, be it school or church . But then, my parents wanted us to go with them to their annual friends’ gathering. So I reluctantly agreed. I’m glad I went, because i learnt that one of my friends had been joining Hope Brisbane activities altho she is not yet a Christian and i told her i went to Hope SG. I also got to see thru a telescope that another friend brought n saw the supernova & seven sisters. I said sth abt how God created them n another younger guy, in sec sch, was like, ‘you’re a Christian ah’ and i nodded. Although these were just very small moments, probably forgettable by them 10 years down the road, but to me, it made CNY more meaningful just to be a witness and say i'm a Christian.


The same situation occured on e 2nd day of CNY. Parents wanted to go to aunt’s house for dinner and I wanted to go home. I went, but inside, emotionally stressed cos of the mounting load i was thinkin abt. When we reached, I went to rest in my cousin’s room cos was tired. She’s also a Christian and i was glad to have some time alone in her rm. Then while resting, I had this image, I think it’s from God. I don’t know where it came from or how it suddenly came into my mind… it was a picture of a lot of files that have not been cleared, like accounts not settled. And yet new files kept coming in. So there were more and more files accumulating…


Then it really struck me that this was the description of me. The files were my life. The old files were the finances I have not gotten in order, the mess on my table that has yet to be cleared, the proposal to be done, the concerns I want to pray about when my heart is tugged at during the past week. These accumulated because of procrastination, foolishly indulging in recreation (slacking!), the trap of busyness etc. And yet, new files kept coming in! Another group project presentation, more social work meetings, planning for DCLTP activities, a new book that I started etc. That’s why I was so stressed. But after having this image, I felt much lighter. It’s like a revelation from God.


At night, or only just now, I finally settled the most crucial file. The most important – re-aligning my relationship with God through worship and prayer! I prayed to God about all these. And His reminder to me was that all these are really just things on the outside which appear to need so much attention (and they do, not that they don’t), things like studies, family, care group, sheep etc. But then, to get things on the outside right and in order, it actually starts from the inside – the inner being where the real relationship with God lies. Am I surrendering all these to Him? Am I allowing Him more room to work in my life? Am I choosing to submit these areas of my life into His Lordship? What’s really most important is not all these external things, it’s really my relationship with God.


Pastor Jeff said this is going to be a year of spiritual preparation. And spiritual preparation starts from the inside. There’s a lot of dirt that God is going to dig out and a lot of work that God wants to do on the inside. And through all these, it is then His grace and glory which flows out to all that is on the outside and make things work out. Yup, so a v gd lesson learnt thru CNY. And here's a fellow sinner telling another -- how's ur inside? let God work in it. Anyway, here's an accompanying song to enjoy: From the Inside Out (Hillsongs)

- Ah Guan

Monday, January 19, 2009

RE: Life is, fragile.

eh.. wanted to put in under the comments, but i wanna some participation points so i make it a post.

"it got me questioning - what will you do if you had a choice; would you rather know you're gonna die in 2 months (so you can do all that you want to do), or not know at all? " -quoted from juli

i thought about it long time ago, but my answer remains more or less the same. I would rather be told that i have this number of months left than to be kept in the dark.

Yes, of cuz i would be very upset and might even lose the will to fight the illness, but i want to do what i want to and have to do b4 i die.

If i am not bedridden, i want to:

1) tidy up and clear my room, donate all my clothes and stuffs (i don't want to leave a mess behind)

2) eat as much as i want and any food that i want (no need to care about fats and cholesterol)

3) spend more time with family, loved ones, close frens (prepare them that i am leaving and hope to see them know God if they haven't already known.)

4) write/say my last encouragement to the loved ones.

6) tell my crush that i like/love her.

6) prepare my own funeral

This is really something i seriously thought about it.


My two spiritual threads at prayer meeting

Hello all,

Just wanted to share about my experience at the Corporate Prayer Meeting last Friday at Suntec. A little background, on that day, I was quite tired by back to back seminars and was also pondering on the issue of friendships in general, and biblical friendships as well. Admittedly, there were also feelings of discouragement by what I perceived was the spiritual condition of the care group when we met just before prayer meeting.

So I went in with a heavy heart and at the same time, also desiring for God to answer my request which was for spiritual direction. Through the time of praise and worship, prayer and prophecies, God lifted my heart. It took quite a while though, a lot of pouring out unto God, tension and surrender of thoughts, emotions and exchanging it with God. But when your inner being truly exalts God in song, then the heart really feels lighter and you are able to be fully present – in spirit and in truth -- to praise and worship Him with abandonment.

Perhaps that’s why sometimes we don’t experience God in praise and worship because we hold burdens and cannot worship in spirit, or have unconfessed sins and cannot worship in truth. But God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24) including the verse so that you know that it’s not based on random or own talk but biblical.

For myself, God reminded me of some things. He reminded me of faith. Where does my faith lie? Does it lie in the things that I see? Does it lie in the visible things such as people doing what seems right? Is that why I felt discouraged when I don’t see that, which further reveals that perhaps my faith then had been based on things that are seen? Sometimes, it’s good to go through rough patches then because you are required to put your faith in Christ alone. Faith not in yourself, for you know full well how fallible you are, not in the things you do or don’t do, faith not in people whose hearts are deceitful, but faith in Christ alone, clinging unto God or else you cling unto nothing.

The other thing He reminded me of was this: follow Jesus. I asked for spiritual direction because I’m about to graduate soon and wanted God to answer me like ‘go here, go there’. In geographic terms, it’s like hoping that God would tell me directly: go to Clementi MRT or go to Dhoby Ghaut MRT. But the reply was, ‘just take the MRT’. But I thank God for it. I think God answered me based on what I need, not based on what I want. Follow Jesus was actually the best answer to my seeking for spiritual direction. I needed to know that true spiritual direction was not about where I’m going to be but it’s about following our incarnational God – Jesus.

So I was glad for these two spiritual experiences that God had given to me, adding two more threads to this tapestry of my life that God is weaving. I pray that as you make sense of your own experiences with God and where He is leading you, it would be an exciting inner journey
and of knowing God more and more!

Ah Guan

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Life is, fragile.

it's mid week, lets hope all of you guys in nus are having a great time back to school.

projects have been slowly building up its pace in my schedule! i foresee this term to be really busy and tough to score because i have quite strict profs and i really haven't been speaking much in class for class participation ): all the students seem tooo smart to outsay them in anything! i really really need God's grace. speaking of which, i'm going to join Biz com - a cca in school so that i can do something different in campus too - not just mere academic studies. tomorrow is the orientation camp, let's hope it will be a great one (:


anyway, this afternoon i received a sms informing me that my sister's friend has passed away.

a couple of months ago, i remember sharing the story of this girl, anna, to guanzhen joyce and ivy at mark & spencer before service.

one fine day she just turned yellow (a day/week after her birthday) and she was admitted to the hospital. then a series of viral infection attacked her spine and her entire immune system went down the drain. her white blood cells count was almost zero (and we all know White blood cells are the crux to fighting our immune system). even the doctors couldnt diagnosed what was wrong. they could only tell it's some strong virus. she has been battling with this sickness for a few months. every time my sister share with me her condition, i cant help but to feel a really deep sense of sadness. maybe because i know who she is and seen her before (though not a personal friend to her).

you know, she's so young, so young. my sister visited her twice in the hospital and once, she came back and shared about how touched her friend was to see her. they were secondary school friends and havent met in years. it must be such joy. but behind that smile, she told my sister she's so tired of battling the cycle of jabs and pain, and she wants to go Home. her family related how she'll scream and yell because she has to go for jabs at her spinal area and blood tests every few hours. it must hurt so much.

at her condition, the doctor estimated for her to live for 2 months. her biological sister kept this fact from her mom, and her - so that she wont lose the will to live, and will continue to fight the virus. i cannot decide whether keeping the truth from her was a wise choice.
but again - imagine if she knew she only has two months to live, her physical body and mind would lose all motivation to fight on and sink in a "might as well.." mode.

it got me questioning - what will you do if you had a choice; would you rather know you're gonna die in 2 months (so you can do all that you want to do), or not know at all?

the sms i received this afternoon just caught me by surprise. it reminded me about how fragile human life is. it sounds really cliche but it really is. imagine turning yellow while having lunch one fine day, and the next moment you know - you're lying in the hospital bed. where you're destined to be for the next half a year, battling a unknown virus to the medical world, even. only God knows.

i figured that keeping the truth from her may be the right choice afterall. at least now we can say she has fought the good fight, she has finished the race & kept the faith. God has brought her home today.

- ah ju

Monday, January 12, 2009

a little update

last service at kum yan!hi guys.. this is the photo of our last service at kum yan before we continue our exodus to other places for worshipping God! i'm going to miss this nice place much. and it shall be RELC next week! maybe we could all meet at orchard to go there together? think a few of us including myself haven't been there before, so would need some directions!

anyway, hope you guys have been doing well in our Lord, growing and hearing from Him since the start of this year. for me, i've been feeling quite excited about this year because i feel that this year will be a year of growths. and by that it would mean a year of testings! though i wouldn't be looking forward to the testings, but i know it's for our good, and the result from that would definitely be something that moulds us to become more Christ-like, as what God has intended for us. so therefore, don't be surprised or discouraged when the testings come along our way, because they are planned by God to grow and stretch us! and as we encourage and keep each other in our prayers, we will see God's hands upon our lives more evidently as He works things out for His glory. may God be honoured in our lives yeah!

oh yes. and i've a testimony to share of God's providence! one day after cg on wed, ivy called me and told me about a tuition assignment, for 2 siblings sec 1 and sec 3, to teach english, math, science. and the rates are really good! it's $500 for 3 hours per week, 4 sessions per month. and so i've taken up the job, and it will start coming week. praise God for His providence! $500 is really beyond my expectation for any tuition jobs. this incident has increased my faith in His character, knowing that He is always in control, and He is above all things, including my financial situation. i hope this testimony will encourage you guys too, of God's sovereignty and Him being above everything in our lives - our hopes, our struggles, our desires.

okay.. hope to hear from the rest soon! especially from the bloggers.. *ahem* yizhong, mingxi and ivy..

love, joycee

16 January (Friday) Corporate Prayer Meeting 7.45 PM @ Suntec Convention Hall 603

The entire church (youth, tertiary, adults, family, chinese, indonesian, filipinos) is going to gather and pray. So be there and don't miss out on what God wants to say to our church!

Let us FAST from dinner for that day so have a good lunch too.

Meeting time & place: 6.30 PM at City Hall MRT (meeting earlier to prepare our hearts before the prayer meeting, buffer time for late comers)


On a personal note, I'm really encouraged and thankful to see God working in our CG and how we are opening up further to each other. :-) I pray that we can support each other, spur each other and in His time, God will bring a spiritual harvest to us! Awaiting in faith :)


Hello world!

this shall be the first (and hopefully not the last) entry for this journal (:

caregroup yesterday (wednesday, 7 January 09) was held at my place, and it was a good time of sharing and being open to each other. HTHT: heart to heart talk!

we talked about serious issues about the caregroup and addressed them truthfully with utmost openess. & so... this blog is up!

By the swing

To help our caregroup grow relationally & spiritually, this blog is up! basically, we factored that one possible reason why our caregroup may not be as "close-knitted" relationally may be because we are really unsure about what is going on in each other's live at all. hence we can't support. what we do know, is just the surface of everyone base on what we hear/see every saturday. there is no real 'knowing' your caregroup member.

the purpose of this journal would be to continually keep each other updated on our lives, being open & honest with our struggles, share testimony, share what God implanted into your heart during QT, bless everyone and to just rant about your day! i think this blog shouldnt be confined to just sharing things in such a 'perfect' manner such that we filter only the good things to talk about only. then, there is no real deep sharing. let's not just use this blog to share what is great and up-beat in our life such that we dont talk about our real struggles. (PLEASE POST UP PHOTOGRAPHS TOO OK, SO THIS PAGE WONT LOOK SO MONO-COLOR, HAHA)

let's be united and support each other in this caregroup. Many a times we don't dare to share certain issues because we may be afraid of being judged. we all have this fear (: but let's try to do it differently in caregroup and share with trust that this group of brothers and sisters will support you no matter what. slowly but surely. & lets be doers of God's word by not judging other brothers & sisters because we all sin & fall short of the glory of God - all the time.

okay, i feel that i just blabbered so much! =]] let's start journaling ok!

password & username will be passed down via email. so start ranting about things here today!

love, AH JU.